Property Brochure

Within the @realty CRM, pulls information from property listings and agent profiles to create a downloadable PDF

< !-- Address -- >
 <  div style="display: inline-block; position: absolute; top: 19px; left: 30px; width: 490px; height: 55px; font-size: 25px; text-align: left; text-transform: uppercase; font-weight: bold; color: #000000; margin: 10px;"  >{!Address}<  /div  >
<  !-- Logo --  >
 <  div style="display: inline-block; position: absolute; top: 19px; right: 30px; "  ><  img img="" src="" caption="false" style="float: left;" height="85" /  ><  /div  >
<  !-- Property Images--  >
 <  div style="display: inline-block; position: absolute; width: 720px; top: 106px; left: 30px; height: 424px;"  ><  img style="width: 740px; height: 424px; object-fit: cover;" src="{!Property image #1}" alt="Property Photo" /  ><  /div  >
<  !-- property image Property image #2 #3 #4 etc --  >
 <  div style="display: inline-block; position: absolute; width: 240px; top: 537px; left: 30px; height: 167px;"  ><  img style="width: 100%; height: 167px; object-fit: cover;" src="{!Property image #2}" alt="Property Photo" /  ><  /div  >
 <  div style="display: inline-block; position: absolute; width: 240px; top: 537px; left: 280px; height: 167px;"  ><  img style="width: 100%; height: 167px; object-fit: cover;" src="{!Property image #3}" alt="Property Photo" /  ><  /div  >
 <  div style="display: inline-block; position: absolute; width: 240px; top: 537px; left: 530px; height: 167px;"  ><  img style="width: 100%; height: 167px; object-fit: cover;" src="{!Property image #4}" alt="Property Photo" /  ><  /div  >
<  !-- sale type / authority --  >
 <  div style="display: inline-block; position: absolute; top: 700px; left: 30px; width: 740px; height: 80px; font-size: 44px; text-align: center; text-transform: uppercase; font-weight: bold; color: #00aeef; margin: 10px;"  >{!Authority}<  /div  >
<  !-- property heading --  >
 <  div style="display: inline-block; position: absolute; top: 767px; left: 30px; width: 740px; height: 27px; font-size: 22px; text-align: center; text-transform: uppercase; font-weight: bold; overflow: hidden; color: #00aeef;"  >{!Header}<  /div  >
<  !-- Bed Bath Car --  >
 <  div style="display: inline-block; position: absolute; top: 800px; left: 30px; width: 740px; height: 20px; font-size: 18px; text-align: center; color: #000000;"  >{!Bedrooms} <  img img="" src="" caption="false" height="20" /  > <  span style="color: #00aeef; font-weight: bold;"  >|<  /span  > {!Bathrooms} <  img img="" src="" caption="false" height="20" /  > <  span style="color: #00aeef; font-weight: bold;"  >|<  /span  > {!Carports} <  img img="" src="" caption="false" height="20" /  ><  /div  >
<  !-- property details --  >
 <  div style="display: inline-block; position: absolute; top: 837px; left: 30px; width: 740px; height: 194px; overflow: hidden; font-size: 9pt; color: #000000;"  >{!Description}<  /div  >
<  !-- price / OFI --  >
 <  div style="display: inline-block; position: absolute; top: 1033px; left: 30px; width: 350px; height: 35px; font-size: 9pt; overflow: hidden;"  ><  span style="color: #00aeef;"  >PRICE:<  /span  > {!Price}<  /div  >
 <  div style="display: inline-block; position: absolute; top: 1033px; right: 30px; width: 450px; height: 35px; font-size: 9pt; overflow: hidden; text-align: right; padding-right: 5px;"  ><  span style="color: #00aeef;"  >OPEN FOR INSPECTION:<  /span  > {!Open times} .<  /div  >
<  !-- Agent Details --  >
 <  div style="display: inline-block; position: absolute; top: 1070px; left: 30px; width: 740px; height: 20px; font-size: 12pt; text-align: center;"  >{!Agent full name}<  span style="color: #00aeef;"  >  |  <  /span  >{!Agent phone}<  span style="color: #00aeef;"  >  |  <  /span  >{!Agent email}<  span style="color: #00aeef;"  >  |  <  /span  ><  /div  >
<  !-- Floorplan / Second page --  >
 <  div  ><  hideifempty target="Floorplan"  ><  /hideifempty  >
<  !-- Address --  >
 <  div style="display: inline-block; position: absolute; top: 1139px; left: 30px; width: 490px; height: 55px; font-size: 25px; text-align: left; text-transform: uppercase; font-weight: bold; color: #000000; margin: 10px;"  >{!Address}<  /div  >
<  !-- Logo --  >
 <  div style="display: inline-block; position: absolute; top: 1139px; right: 30px; "  ><  img img="" src="" caption="false" style="float: left;" height="85" /  ><  /div  >
 <  div style="width: 740px; height: 920px; overflow: hidden; position: absolute; top: 1230px; left: 30px;"  ><  img style="max-height: 920px; height:auto; display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 90%;" src="{!Floorplan}" alt="Floorplan" /  ><  /div  >
<  !-- Floorplan disclaimer--  >
 <  div style="display: inline-block; position: absolute; top: 2140px; left: 20px; width: 760px; height: 20px; font-size: 8pt; text-align: center;"  >Disclaimer: Whilst every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of these particulars, no warranty is given by the vendor or the agent as to their accuracy. Interested parties should not rely on these particulars as representations of fact but must instead satisfy themselves by inspection or otherwise.<  /div  >
<  !-- Agent Details --  >
 <  div style="display: inline-block; position: absolute; top: 2190px; left: 30px; width: 740px; height: 20px; font-size: 12pt; text-align: center;"  >{!Agent full name}<  span style="color: #00aeef;"  >  |  <  /span  >{!Agent phone}<  span style="color: #00aeef;"  >  |  <  /span  >{!Agent email}<  span style="color: #00aeef;"  >  |  <  /span  ><  /div  >
<  /hideifempty  ><  /div  >

Property Proposals

Within the @realty CRM, pulls information from property listings and agent profiles to create a digital proposal that can sent to potential vendors or as a downloadable PDF

@if (! $pdfAction)
    <  !-- DIGITAL VERSION --  >

    <  header class="header"  >
        <  div class="container"  >
            <  div class="row"  >
                <  div class="col text-center"  >
                    <  img class="logo"
                        src="{{$logo ? $logo: '/images/logo-inverse-old.png' }}"
                        alt="@realty"  >
                <  /div  >
            <  /div  >
        <  /div  >
    <  /header  >
    <  section class='section'  >
        <  div class="header-group with-horizontal-line text-center"  >
            <  div class="header-group-inner animate"  >
                <  h2 style="text-transform: uppercase;"  >{{$property['unit'] ? $property['unit'] . '/' : ''}}{{$property['street_number']}} {{$property['street_name']}}<  /h2  >
                <  h3 style="text-transform: uppercase;"  >{{$property['suburb']}}, {{$property['state']}} {{$property['postcode']}}<  /h3  >
            <  /div  >
        <  /div  >
        <  div class="container"  >
            <  div class="row"  >
                <  div class="col-md-7 left-panel animate from-left" data-editable="1"  >
                    <  p  >Dear {{$vendor-  >first_name}},<  /p  >
                    <  p  >Thank you for the opportunity to discuss the sale of your property.<  /p  >
                    <  p  >We understand the importance of the decision to sell your property and the task of choosing
                        the right agent to represent you. To help you in your decision making process we have
                        included the following information in this proposal:<  /p  >
                    <  ul  >
                        <  li  >Recent sales data of comparable properties<  /li  >
                        <  li  >A proposed marketing plan for your property<  /li  >
                        <  li  >Our unique attributes and strengths<  /li  >
                    <  /ul  >
                    <  p  >Our success has been built on providing tailored solutions to our clients. We pride ourselves on understanding 
                        the individual needs of our clients in a dynamic marketplace.  This is a key factor which drives
                        our team to deliver results that exceed our client's expectations.<  /p  >
                    <  p  >We are excited about achieving the best possible result for you and we are ready to start
                        immediately if you decide to proceed.<  /p  >
                    <  p  >If you have any questions about this proposal, please feel free to call me anytime. I look
                        forward to discussing the next steps with you.<  /p  >
                <  /div  >
                 <  div class="col-md-5 right-panel animate from-right"  >
                    <  div class="card bg-gray border-none"  >
                        <  div class="img-wrap"  >
                            <  img class="rounded-border"
                                src="{{$agent-  >profile_picture ? json_decode($agent-  >profile_picture)-  >filename : '/images/avatar/no-avatar.png'}}"
                                alt="{{$agent-  >full_name}}"  >
                        <  /div  >
                        <  div class="card-body text-center"  >
                            <  div  ><  b  >{{$agent-  >full_name}}<  /b  ><  /div  >
                            <  div  ><  a href="mailto:{{$agent-  >email}}"  >{{$agent-  >email}}<  /a  ><  /div  >
                        <  /div  >
                    <  /div  >
                    <  div class="mt-4 animate"  >
                        <  a href=""
                            class="btn btn-primary btn-block uppercase btn-lg org-primary-color-product-type" target="_blank"  ><  /a  >
                        <  /div  >
                    <  /div  >
                <  /div  >
            <  /div  >
        <  /div  >
    <  /section  >
    <  !-- PDF VERSION --  >

    <  section class="section thank-you"  >
       <  header class="header thank-you-header"  >
            <  div class="container"  >
                <  div class="row"  >
                    <  div class="col text-center"  >
                        @if (isset($logo) && $logo)
                            <  div class="organisation-logo"  >
                                <  img
                                    style="border: none; outline: none; overflow: hidden;"
                                    src="{{ $logo }}"
                                    alt="Organisation logo"
                                /  >
                            <  /div  >
                            <  div class="atrealty_logo"  ><  /div  >
                    <  /div  >
                <  /div  >
            <  /div  >
        <  /header  >
        <  div class="header-group with-horizontal-line text-center"  >
            <  div class="header-group-inner"  >
                <  h2 style="text-transform: uppercase;"  >{{$property['unit'] ? $property['unit'] . '/' : ''}}{{$property['street_number']}} {{$property['street_name']}}<  /h2  >
                <  h3 style="text-transform: uppercase;"  >{{$property['suburb']}}, {{$property['state']}} {{$property['postcode']}}<  /h3  >
            <  /div  >
        <  /div  >
        <  div class="container"  >
           <  div class="row"  >
                <  div class="col-7 left-panel" data-editable="1"  >
                    <  p  >Dear {{$vendor-  >first_name}},<  /p  >
                    <  p  >Thank you for the opportunity to discuss the sale of your property.<  /p  >
                    <  p  >We understand the importance of the decision to sell your property and the task of choosing
                        the right agent to represent you. To help you in your decision making process we have
                        included the following information in this proposal:<  /p  >
                    <  ul  >
                        <  li  >Recent sales data of comparable properties<  /li  >
                        <  li  >A proposed marketing plan for your property<  /li  >
                        <  li  >Our unique attributes and strengths<  /li  >
                    <  /ul  >
                    <  p  >Our success has been built on providing tailored solutions to our clients. We pride ourselves on understanding
                        the individual needs of our clients in a dynamic marketplace.  This is a key factor which drives
                        our team to deliver results that exceed our client's expectations.<  /p  >
                    <  p  >We are excited about achieving the best possible result for you and we are ready to start
                        immediately if you decide to proceed.<  /p  >
                    <  p  >If you have any questions about this proposal, please feel free to call me anytime. I look
                        forward to discussing the next steps with you.<  /p  >
                <  /div  >
              <  div class="col-5 right-panel"  >
                  <  div class="container"  >
                    <  div class="agent-profile-container"  >
                         <  img
                            src="{{$agent-  >profile_picture ? json_decode($agent-  >profile_picture)-  >filename : '/images/avatar/no-avatar.png'}}"
                            alt="{{$agent-  >full_name}}"
                    <  /div  >
                    <  div class="description"  >
                        <  p  ><  strong  >{{$agent-  >full_name}}<  /strong  ><  /p  >
                        <  a href="tel:{{$agent-  >agentProfile-  >mobile}}"  >{{$agent-  >agentProfile-  >mobile}}<  /a  ><  br  >
                        <  a href="mailto:{{$agent-  >email}}"  >{{$agent-  >email}}<  /a  ><  br  >
                        <  a href=""  ><  /a  ><  br  >
                    <  /div  >
                  <  /div  >
               <  /div  >
            <  /div  >
        <  /div  >
    <  /div  >
    <  /section  >
    <  style  >
       .proposal-view-body {
           font-size: 13px;

       /* Horizontal Line */
       .proposal-view-body .with-horizontal-line .header-group-inner {
           display: inline-block;
           position: relative;

       /* Thank you specific */
       .proposal-view-body .thank-you .with-horizontal-line .header-group-inner:before,
       .proposal-view-body .thank-you .with-horizontal-line .header-group-inner:after {
           top: 20%;

       .proposal-view-body .with-horizontal-line .header-group-inner:before,
       .proposal-view-body .with-horizontal-line .header-group-inner:after {
           content: "";
           background-color: #000;
           display: inline-block;
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           position: absolute;
           width: 500%;

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           left: 100%;
           margin-left: 20px;

       .proposal-view-body .header-group {
           margin-bottom: 35px;

       /* Thank you */
       .proposal-view-body .atrealty_logo {
           margin-left: auto;
           margin-right: auto;

        .proposal-view-body .organisation-logo {
            width: 246px;
            height: 132px;
            margin-left: auto;
            margin-right: auto;

       .proposal-view-body .thank-you-header {
           margin-top: 0;
           padding-top: 0;
           padding-bottom: 0;
           margin-bottom: 15px;

       .proposal-view-body section.thank-you {
           padding-top: 0;
           margin-top: 0;

       .proposal-view-body .thank-you h2 {
           font-size: 33px;

       .proposal-view-body .thank-you h3 {
           font-size: 22px;

       .proposal-view-body .thank-you .row {
           display: -webkit-box;

       .proposal-view-body .bg-gray {
           background-color: #e6e7e8;

       .proposal-view-body .thank-you a {
           color: black;

       /* Profile */
       .proposal-view-body .thank-you .right-panel p {
           margin-bottom: 0;

       .proposal-view-body .thank-you .right-panel {
           background-color: #e6e7e8;
           text-align: center;
           padding: 15px;
           width: 275px;

       .proposal-view-body .thank-you .right-panel .agent-profile-container {
            text-align: center;
            margin-left: auto;
            margin-right: auto;
            width: 200px;
            height: 200px;
            margin-top: .8rem;
            margin-bottom: 1.5rem;

        .proposal-view-body .thank-you .right-panel .agent-profile-rounded {
            border-radius: 50%;
            border: 1px solid #c6c8cb;

       .proposal-view-body .thank-you .description {
           margin-bottom: 20px;

       .proposal-view-body .thank-you .right-panel {
           margin-top: 30px;
           margin-bottom: 30px;

       .proposal-view-body .thank-you .right-panel a {
           color: #000;

        .proposal-view-body .thank-you {
            page-break-before: auto;
            page-break-after: auto;
            page-break-inside: avoid;
    <  /style  >
@if (! $pdfAction)
    <  !-- DIGITAL VERSION --  >

    <  section class='section'  >
        <  div class="header-group with-horizontal-line text-center"  >
            <  div class="header-group-inner animate"  >
                <  h3 style="text-transform: uppercase;"  >{{$agent-  >full_name}}<  /h3  >
            <  /div  >
        <  /div  >
        <  div class="container"  >
            <  div class="row"  >
                <  div class="col-md-7 left-panel animate from-left"  >
                    <  div class="ob-wrap"  >
                        <  h4  > About {{$agent-  >full_name}}<  /h4  >
                        <  p  >
                            {!!$agent-  >agentProfile ? nl2br($agent-  >agentProfile-  >about_me) : ''!!}
                        <  /p  >
                    <  /div  >
                <  /div  >
                <  div class="col-md-5 right-panel animate from-right"  >
                    <  div class="card bg-gray border-none"  >
                        <  div class="img-wrap"  >
                            <  img class="rounded-border"
                                src="{{$agent-  >profile_picture ? json_decode($agent-  >profile_picture)-  >filename : '/images/avatar/no-avatar.png'}}"
                                alt="{{$agent-  >full_name}}"  >
                        <  /div  >
                        <  div class="card-body text-center"  >
                            <  div  ><  b  >{{$agent-  >full_name}}<  /b  ><  /div  >
                            <  div  ><  a href="mailto:{{$agent-  >email}}"  >{{$agent-  >email}}<  /a  ><  /div  >
                        <  /div  >
                    <  /div  >
                    <  div class="mt-4 animate"  >
                        <  a href=""
                            class="btn btn-primary btn-block uppercase btn-lg org-primary-color-product-type" target="_blank"  ><  /a  >
                    <  /div  >
                <  /div  >
            <  /div  >
        <  /div  >
        @if (isset($partnerAgent) && is_object($partnerAgent))
        <  div class="header-group with-horizontal-line text-center"  >
            <  div class="header-group-inner animate"  >
                <  h3 style="text-transform: uppercase;"  >{{$partnerAgent-  >full_name}}<  /h3  >
            <  /div  >
        <  /div  >
        <  div class="container"  >
            <  div class="row"  >
                <  div class="col-md-7 left-panel animate from-left"  >
                    <  div class="ob-wrap"  >
                        <  h4  > About {{$partnerAgent-  >full_name}}<  /h4  >
                        <  p  >
                            {{isset($partnerAgent-  >agent_profile) ? $partnerAgent-  >agent_profile-  >about_me : ''}}
                        <  /p  >
                    <  /div  >
                <  /div  >
            <  div class="col-md-5 right-panel animate from-right"  >
                    <  div class="card bg-gray border-none"  >
                        <  div class="img-wrap"  >
                            <  img class="rounded-border"
                                src="{{!empty($partnerAgent-  >profile_picture) ? html_entity_decode(json_decode($partnerAgent-  >profile_picture)-  >filename) : '/images/avatar/no-avatar.png'}}"
                                alt="{{$partnerAgent-  >full_name}}"  >
                        <  /div  >
                        <  div class="card-body text-center"  >
                            <  div  ><  b  >{{$partnerAgent-  >full_name}}<  /b  ><  /div  >
                            <  div  ><  a href="mailto:{{$partnerAgent-  >email ?? ''}}"  >{{$partnerAgent-  >email ?? '' }}<  /a  ><  /div  >
                        <  /div  >
                    <  /div  >
                    <  div class="mt-4 animate"  >
                        <  a href=""
                            class="btn btn-primary btn-block uppercase btn-lg org-primary-color-product-type" target="_blank"  ><  /a  >
                    <  /div  >
                <  /div  >
            <  /div  >
    <  /section  >
    <  !-- PDF VERSION --  >

    <  section class="section new-page about-agent"  >
         <  div class="header-group with-horizontal-line text-center"  >
             <  div class="header-group-inner"  >
                 <  h3 style="white-space: nowrap; overflow: hidden; text-transform: uppercase;"  >About {{$agent-  >full_name}}<  /h3  >
             <  /div  >
         <  /div  >
         <  div class="container"  >
             <  div class="row"  >
                 <  div class="col-7"  >
                     <  div class="ob-wrap"  >
                         <  p  >
                             {!!$agent-  >agentProfile ? nl2br($agent-  >agentProfile-  >about_me) : ''!!}
                         <  /p  >
                     <  /div  >
                 <  /div  >
                <  div class="col-5 right-panel from-right"  >
                    <  div class="container"  >
                        <  div class="agent-profile-container"  >
                             <  img
                                src="{{$agent-  >profile_picture ? json_decode($agent-  >profile_picture)-  >filename : '/images/avatar/no-avatar.png'}}"
                                alt="{{$agent-  >full_name}}"
                        <  /div  >
                    <  div class="description"  >
                        <  p  ><  strong  >{{$agent-  >full_name}}<  /strong  ><  /p  >
                        <  a href="tel:{{$agent-  >agentProfile-  >mobile}}"  >{{$agent-  >agentProfile-  >mobile}}<  /a  ><  br  >
                        <  a href="mailto:{{$agent-  >email}}"  >{{$agent-  >email}}<  /a  ><  br  >
                        <  a href=""  ><  /a  ><  br  >
                    <  /div  >
                  <  /div  >
               <  /div  >
            <  /div  >
        <  /div  >
    <  /div  >
    <  /section  >
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             left: 100%;
             margin-left: 20px;

         .proposal-view-body .header-group {
             margin-bottom: 35px;

        /* About Agent section */
        .proposal-view-body .about-agent,
        .proposal-view-body .about-agent .header-group,
        .proposal-view-body .about-agent .header-group-inner {
            margin-top: 0;
            padding-top: 0;

        .img-wrap {
            position: relative;

        .img-wrap img {
            width: 100%;
            object-fit: cover;

       .proposal-view-body .about-agent .right-panel {
           height: 429px;

       .proposal-view-body .about-agent .right-panel .agent-profile-container {
           text-align: center;

       .proposal-view-body .about-agent .right-panel .agent-profile {
           width: 200px;
           height: 200px;
           margin-top: 30px;
           margin-bottom: 25px;
           border-radius: 50%;
           border: 1px solid #c6c8cb;
           text-align: center;

       .proposal-view-body .about-agent .right-panel {
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           text-align: center;
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           width: 275px;

        .proposal-view-body .about-agent .row {
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     <  /style  >
@if (! $pdfAction)
    <  !-- DIGITAL VERSION --  >

    <  section class="section"  >
        <  div class="header-group with-horizontal-line text-center"  >
            <  div class="header-group-inner animate"  >
                <  h3  >ABOUT US<  /h3  >
            <  /div  >
        <  /div  >
        <  div class="container"  >
            <  div class="row"  >
                <  div class="col text-center"  >
                    <  h5 class="animate"  >About Greater Metro Real Estate<  /h5  ><  br  >
                    <  p class="animate" data-editable="1"  ><  b  >At Greater Metro, We Work for You<  /b  ><  /p  >
                    <  p class="animate" data-editable="1"  >With a passion for helping people make better lives and 20 years in the Real Estate industry working for listed developers, national home builders and local real estate agencies, I saw the need to create a real estate agency that puts people at its heart.<  /p  >
                    <  p class="animate" data-editable="1"  >An agency that helps its customers make the right real estate choices.<  /p  >
                    <  p class="animate" data-editable="1"  >We pride ourselves on referrals at Greater Metro and gain satisfaction from our ability to understand and meet your needs. Guiding you through the sales process, we help find you the right property, and with access to an extensive network of developers and home builders across all areas of Melbourne, we do the hard work for you.<  /p  >
                    <  p class="animate" data-editable="1"  >Greater Metro Real Estate is a boutique agency offering end-to-end real estate services, assisting you to make the right choices so you can create a long-lasting legacy through real estate.<  /p  >
                <  /div  >
                <  /div  >
            <  /div  >
        <  /div  >
    <  /section  >
    <  !-- PDF VERSION --  >

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         <  div class="header-group with-horizontal-line text-center"  >
             <  div class="header-group-inner"  >
                 <  h3 style="white-space: nowrap; overflow: hidden;" class="mb-3"  >ABOUT US<  /h3  >
             <  /div  >
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         <  div class="container"  >
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                 <  div class="col text-center"  >
                    <  h5 class="animate"  >About Greater Metro Real Estate<  /h5  ><  br  >
                    <  p data-editable="1"  ><  b  >At Greater Metro, We Work for You<  /b  ><  /p  >
                    <  p data-editable="1"  >With a passion for helping people make better lives and 20 years in the Real Estate industry working for listed developers, national home builders and local real estate agencies, I saw the need to create a real estate agency that puts people at its heart.<  /p  >
                    <  p data-editable="1"  >An agency that helps its customers make the right real estate choices.<  /p  >
                    <  p data-editable="1"  >We pride ourselves on referrals at Greater Metro and gain satisfaction from our ability to understand and meet your needs. Guiding you through the sales process, we help find you the right property, and with access to an extensive network of developers and home builders across all areas of Melbourne, we do the hard work for you.<  /p  >
                    <  p data-editable="1"  >Greater Metro Real Estate is a boutique agency offering end-to-end real estate services, assisting you to make the right choices so you can create a long-lasting legacy through real estate.<  /p  >
                <  /div  >
             <  /div  >
         <  /div  >
    <  /section  >
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<  !-- our team --  >
    <  section class="section" style="margin-bottom: 50px;"  >
        <  div class="header-group with-horizontal-line text-center"  >
            <  div class="header-group-inner animate"  >
                <  h3 class="our-team-heading"  >OUR TEAM<  /h3  >
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        <  div class="container container-lg"  >
            <  div class="row"  >
                <  div class="col-md-4 col-sm-12 animate ot-container"  >
                    <  div class="ot-container-wrapper"  >
                        <  div class="ot-image"  ><  img src="" width="250px"  ><  /div  > 
                        <  div class="ot-name"  >HANNAH TURNER<  /div  > 
                        <  div class="ot-position org-primary-color-important"  >ADMINISTRATION<  /div  >
                    <  /div  >
                <  /div  > 
                <  div class="col-md-4 col-sm-12 animate ot-container"  >
                    <  div class="ot-container-wrapper"  >
                        <  div class="ot-image"  ><  img src="" width="250px"  ><  /div  > 
                         <  div class="ot-name"  >TAMARA DJORDJEVIC<  /div  > 
                         <  div class="ot-position org-primary-color-important"  >AGENT SUPPORT TEAM LEADER<  /div  >
                    <  /div  >
                <  /div  > 
                <  div class="col-md-4 col-sm-12 animate ot-container"  >
                    <  div class="ot-container-wrapper"  >
                        <  div class="ot-image"  ><  img src="" width="250px"  ><  /div  > 
                            <  div class="ot-name"  >COLIN BLAND<  /div  > 
                            <  div class="ot-position org-primary-color-important"  >AGENT SUPPORT<  /div  >
                    <  /div  >
                <  /div  > 
                    <  div class="col-md-4 col-sm-12 animate ot-container"  >
                        <  div class="ot-container-wrapper"  >
                            <  div class="ot-image"  ><  img src="" width="250px"  ><  /div  > 
                            <  div class="ot-name"  >ERIN GLYDE<  /div  > 
                            <  div class="ot-position org-primary-color-important"  >AGENT SUPPORT<  /div  >
                    <  /div  >
                <  /div  > 
                    <  div class="col-md-4 col-sm-12 animate ot-container"  >
                        <  div class="ot-container-wrapper"  >
                            <  div class="ot-image"  ><  img src="" width="250px"  ><  /div  > 
                            <  div class="ot-name"  >ASH ROBINSON<  /div  > 
                            <  div class="ot-position org-primary-color-important"  >AGENT SUPPORT<  /div  >
                    <  /div  >
                <  /div  > 
                    <  div class="col-md-4 col-sm-12 animate ot-container"  >
                        <  div class="ot-container-wrapper"  >
                            <  div class="ot-image"  ><  img src="" width="250px"  ><  /div  > 
                            <  div class="ot-name"  >AMANDA PACKARD<  /div  > 
                            <  div class="ot-position org-primary-color-important"  >AGENT SUPPORT<  /div  >
                    <  /div  >
                <  /div  > 
                    <  div class="col-md-4 col-sm-12 animate ot-container"  >
                        <  div class="ot-container-wrapper"  >
                            <  div class="ot-image"  ><  img src="" width="250px"  ><  /div  > 
                            <  div class="ot-name"  >JESSICA RODGERS<  /div  > 
                            <  div class="ot-position org-primary-color-important"  >MARKETING TEAM LEADER<  /div  >
                    <  /div  >
                <  /div  > 
                    <  div class="col-md-4 col-sm-12 animate ot-container"  >
                        <  div class="ot-container-wrapper"  >
                            <  div class="ot-image"  ><  img src="" width="250px"  ><  /div  > 
                            <  div class="ot-name"  >STEPH SOLOMON<  /div  > 
                            <  div class="ot-position org-primary-color-important"  >OASIS MARKETING<  /div  >
                    <  /div  >
                <  /div  > 
                    <  div class="col-md-4 col-sm-12 animate ot-container"  >
                        <  div class="ot-container-wrapper"  >
                            <  div class="ot-image"  ><  img src="" width="250px"  ><  /div  > 
                            <  div class="ot-name"  >NATHAN VEKAR<  /div  > 
                            <  div class="ot-position org-primary-color-important"  >AGENT MARKETING<  /div  >
                    <  /div  >
                <  /div  > 
                    <  div class="col-md-4 col-sm-12 animate ot-container"  >
                        <  div class="ot-container-wrapper"  >
                            <  div class="ot-image"  ><  img src="" width="250px"  ><  /div  > 
                            <  div class="ot-name"  >JAMES NOVA<  /div  > 
                            <  div class="ot-position org-primary-color-important"  >PROPERTY MARKETING<  /div  >
                    <  /div  >
                <  /div  > 
                    <  div class="col-md-4 col-sm-12 animate ot-container"  >
                        <  div class="ot-container-wrapper"  >
                            <  div class="ot-image"  ><  img src="" width="250px"  ><  /div  > 
                            <  div class="ot-name"  >JAMES TODMAN<  /div  > 
                            <  div class="ot-position org-primary-color-important"  >SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING<  /div  >
                    <  /div  >
                <  /div  > 
                    <  div class="col-md-4 col-sm-12 animate ot-container"  >
                        <  div class="ot-container-wrapper"  >
                            <  div class="ot-image"  ><  img src="" width="250px"  ><  /div  > 
                            <  div class="ot-name"  >PAULA MORETON<  /div  > 
                            <  div class="ot-position org-primary-color-important"  >ACCOUNTS<  /div  >
                    <  /div  >
                <  /div  > 
                    <  div class="col-md-4 col-sm-12 animate ot-container"  >
                        <  div class="ot-container-wrapper"  >
                            <  div class="ot-image"  ><  img src="" width="250px"  ><  /div  > 
                            <  div class="ot-name"  >HELEN LEEVES<  /div  > 
                            <  div class="ot-position org-primary-color-important"  >TRUST ACCOUNTS<  /div  >
                    <  /div  >
                <  /div  > 
                    <  div class="col-md-4 col-sm-12 animate ot-container"  >
                        <  div class="ot-container-wrapper"  >
                            <  div class="ot-image"  ><  img src="" width="250px"  ><  /div  > 
                            <  div class="ot-name"  >JUDE TOZER<  /div  > 
                            <  div class="ot-position org-primary-color-important"  >SETTLEMENTS<  /div  >
                    <  /div  >
                <  /div  > 
                    <  div class="col-md-4 col-sm-12 animate ot-container"  >
                        <  div class="ot-container-wrapper"  >
                            <  div class="ot-image"  ><  img src="" width="250px"  ><  /div  > 
                            <  div class="ot-name"  >COURTNEY O'NEILL<  /div  > 
                            <  div class="ot-position org-primary-color-important"  >SETTLEMENTS<  /div  >
                    <  /div  >
                <  /div  > 
                    <  div class="col-md-4 col-sm-12 animate ot-container"  >
                        <  div class="ot-container-wrapper"  >
                            <  div class="ot-image"  ><  img src="" width="250px"  ><  /div  > 
                            <  div class="ot-name"  >MARGARET McSWEENEY<  /div  > 
                            <  div class="ot-position org-primary-color-important"  >SETTLEMENTS<  /div  >
                    <  /div  >
                <  /div  > 
                    <  div class="col-md-4 col-sm-12 animate ot-container"  >
                        <  div class="ot-container-wrapper"  >
                            <  div class="ot-image"  ><  img src="" width="250px"  ><  /div  > 
                            <  div class="ot-name"  >MICHAELA WALKER<  /div  > 
                            <  div class="ot-position org-primary-color-important"  >SETTLEMENTS<  /div  >
                    <  /div  >
                <  /div  > 
                    <  div class="col-md-4 col-sm-12 animate ot-container"  >
                        <  div class="ot-container-wrapper"  >
                            <  div class="ot-image"  ><  img src="" width="250px"  ><  /div  > 
                            <  div class="ot-name"  >ADAM ROBSON<  /div  > 
                            <  div class="ot-position org-primary-color-important"  >FINANCE<  /div  >
                    <  /div  >
                <  /div  > 
                    <  div class="col-md-4 col-sm-12 animate ot-container"  >
                        <  div class="ot-container-wrapper"  >
                            <  div class="ot-image"  ><  img src="" width="250px"  ><  /div  > 
                            <  div class="ot-name"  >ADAM KAY<  /div  > 
                            <  div class="ot-position org-primary-color-important"  >FINANCE<  /div  >
                    <  /div  >
                <  /div  > 
                    <  div class="col-md-4 col-sm-12 animate ot-container"  >
                        <  div class="ot-container-wrapper"  >
                            <  div class="ot-image"  ><  img src="" width="250px"  ><  /div  > 
                            <  div class="ot-name"  >WENDY McDONALD<  /div  > 
                            <  div class="ot-position org-primary-color-important"  >PROPERTY MANAGEMENT<  /div  >
                    <  /div  >
                <  /div  >
                    <  div class="col-md-4 col-sm-12 animate ot-container"  >
                        <  div class="ot-container-wrapper"  >
                            <  div class="ot-image"  ><  img src="" width="250px"  ><  /div  > 
                            <  div class="ot-name"  >KAROLYN BROWN<  /div  > 
                            <  div class="ot-position org-primary-color-important"  >PROPERTY MANAGEMENT<  /div  >
                    <  /div  >
                <  /div  >
            <  /div  >
        <  /div  >
    <  /section  >

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    <  !-- PDF VERSION --  >

    <  section class="section our-team new-page"  >
        <  div class="header-group with-horizontal-line text-center"  >
            <  div class="header-group-inner"  >
                <  h3 style="white-space: nowrap; overflow: hidden;" class="our-team-heading"  >OUR TEAM<  /h3  >
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        <  /div  >
        <  div class="container"  >
            <  div class="row"  >
                <  div class="col-4 ot-container"  >
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                            <  div class="ot-image"  >
                                <  img src="" width="250px"  >
                            <  /div  >
                        <  /center  >
                        <  div class="ot-name"  >HANNAH TURNER<  /div  >
                        <  div class="ot-position"  >ADMINISTRATION<  /div  >
                    <  /div  >
                <  /div  >
                <  div class="col-4 ot-container"  >
                    <  div class="ot-container-wrapper"  >
                        <  center  >
                            <  div class="ot-image"  >
                                <  img src="" width="250px"  >
                            <  /div  >
                        <  /center  >
                        <  div class="ot-name"  >TAMARA DJORDJEVIC<  /div  >
                        <  div class="ot-position"  >AGENT SUPPORT TEAM LEADER<  /div  >
                    <  /div  >
                <  /div  >
                <  div class="col-4 ot-container"  >
                    <  div class="ot-container-wrapper"  >
                        <  center  >
                            <  div class="ot-image"  >
                                <  img src="" width="250px"  >
                            <  /div  >
                        <  /center  >
                        <  div class="ot-name"  >COLIN BLAND<  /div  >
                        <  div class="ot-position"  >AGENT SUPPORT<  /div  >
                    <  /div  >
                <  /div  >
            <  /div  >
             <  div class="row"  >
                <  div class="col-4 ot-container"  >
                    <  div class="ot-container-wrapper"  >
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                            <  div class="ot-image"  >
                                <  img src="" width="250px"  >
                            <  /div  >
                        <  /center  >
                        <  div class="ot-name"  >ERIN GLYDE<  /div  >
                        <  div class="ot-position"  >AGENT SUPPORT<  /div  >
                    <  /div  >
                <  /div  >
                <  div class="col-4 ot-container"  >
                    <  div class="ot-container-wrapper"  >
                        <  center  >
                            <  div class="ot-image"  >
                                <  img src="" width="250px"  >
                            <  /div  >
                        <  /center  >
                        <  div class="ot-name"  >ASH ROBINSON<  /div  >
                        <  div class="ot-position"  >AGENT SUPPORT<  /div  >
                    <  /div  >
                <  /div  >
                <  div class="col-4 ot-container"  >
                    <  div class="ot-container-wrapper"  >
                        <  center  >
                            <  div class="ot-image"  >
                                <  img src="" width="250px"  >
                            <  /div  >
                        <  /center  >
                        <  div class="ot-name"  >AMANDA PACKARD<  /div  >
                        <  div class="ot-position"  >AGENT SUPPORT<  /div  >
                    <  /div  >
                <  /div  >
            <  /div  >
            <  div class="row"  >
                <  div class="col-4 ot-container"  >
                    <  div class="ot-container-wrapper"  >
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                            <  div class="ot-image"  >
                                <  img src="" width="250px"  >
                            <  /div  >
                        <  /center  >
                        <  div class="ot-name"  >JESSICA RODGERS<  /div  >
                        <  div class="ot-position"  >MARKETING TEAM LEADER<  /div  >
                    <  /div  >
                <  /div  >
                <  div class="col-4 ot-container"  >
                    <  div class="ot-container-wrapper"  >
                        <  center  >
                            <  div class="ot-image"  >
                                <  img src="" width="250px"  >
                            <  /div  >
                        <  /center  >
                        <  div class="ot-name"  >STEPH SOLOMON<  /div  >
                        <  div class="ot-position"  >OASIS MARKETING<  /div  >
                    <  /div  >
                <  /div  >
                <  div class="col-4 ot-container"  >
                    <  div class="ot-container-wrapper"  >
                        <  center  >
                            <  div class="ot-image"  >
                                <  img src="" width="250px"  >
                            <  /div  >
                        <  /center  >
                        <  div class="ot-name"  >NATHAN VEKAR<  /div  >
                        <  div class="ot-position"  >AGENT MARKETING<  /div  >
                    <  /div  >
                <  /div  >
            <  /div  >
            <  div class="row"  >
                <  div class="col-4 ot-container"  >
                    <  div class="ot-container-wrapper"  >
                        <  center  >
                            <  div class="ot-image"  >
                                <  img src="" width="250px"  >
                            <  /div  >
                        <  /center  >
                        <  div class="ot-name"  >JAMES NOVA<  /div  >
                        <  div class="ot-position"  >PROPERTY MARKETING<  /div  >
                    <  /div  >
                <  /div  >
                <  div class="col-4 ot-container"  >
                    <  div class="ot-container-wrapper"  >
                        <  center  >
                            <  div class="ot-image"  >
                                <  img src="" width="250px"  >
                            <  /div  >
                        <  /center  >
                        <  div class="ot-name"  >JAMES TODMAN<  /div  >
                        <  div class="ot-position"  >SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING<  /div  >
                    <  /div  >
                <  /div  >
                <  div class="col-4 ot-container"  >
                    <  div class="ot-container-wrapper"  >
                        <  center  >
                            <  div class="ot-image"  >
                                <  img src="" width="250px"  >
                            <  /div  >
                        <  /center  >
                        <  div class="ot-name"  >PAULA MORETON<  /div  >
                        <  div class="ot-position"  >ACCOUNTS<  /div  >
                    <  /div  >
                <  /div  >
            <  /div  >
            <  div class="row"  >
                <  div class="col-4 ot-container"  >
                    <  div class="ot-container-wrapper"  >
                        <  center  >
                            <  div class="ot-image"  >
                                <  img src="" width="250px"  >
                            <  /div  >
                        <  /center  >
                        <  div class="ot-name"  >HELEN LEEVES<  /div  >
                        <  div class="ot-position"  >TRUST ACCOUNTS<  /div  >
                    <  /div  >
                <  /div  >
                <  div class="col-4 ot-container"  >
                    <  div class="ot-container-wrapper"  >
                        <  center  >
                            <  div class="ot-image"  >
                                <  img src="" width="250px"  >
                            <  /div  >
                        <  /center  >
                        <  div class="ot-name"  >JUDE TOZER<  /div  >
                        <  div class="ot-position"  >SETTLEMENTS<  /div  >
                    <  /div  >
                <  /div  >
            <  div class="col-4 ot-container"  >
                <  div class="ot-container-wrapper"  >
                    <  center  >
                        <  div class="ot-image"  >
                            <  img src="" width="250px"  >
                        <  /div  >
                    <  /center  >
                    <  div class="ot-name"  >COURTNEY O'NEILL<  /div  >
                    <  div class="ot-position"  >SETTLEMENTS<  /div  >
                <  /div  >
            <  /div  >
        <  /div  >
            <  div class="row"  >
                <  div class="col-4 ot-container"  >
                    <  div class="ot-container-wrapper"  >
                        <  center  >
                            <  div class="ot-image"  >
                                <  img src="" width="250px"  >
                            <  /div  >
                        <  /center  >
                        <  div class="ot-name"  >MARGARET McSWEENEY<  /div  >
                        <  div class="ot-position"  >SETTLEMENTS<  /div  >
                    <  /div  >
                <  /div  >
                <  div class="col-4 ot-container"  >
                    <  div class="ot-container-wrapper"  >
                        <  center  >
                            <  div class="ot-image"  >
                                <  img src="" width="250px"  >
                            <  /div  >
                        <  /center  >
                        <  div class="ot-name"  >MICHAELA WALKER<  /div  >
                        <  div class="ot-position"  >SETTLEMENTS<  /div  >
                    <  /div  >
                <  /div  >
                <  div class="col-4 ot-container"  >
                    <  div class="ot-container-wrapper"  >
                        <  center  >
                            <  div class="ot-image"  >
                                <  img src="" width="250px"  >
                            <  /div  >
                        <  /center  >
                        <  div class="ot-name"  >ADAM ROBSON<  /div  >
                        <  div class="ot-position"  >FINANCE<  /div  >
                    <  /div  >
                <  /div  > 
            <  /div  >
            <  div class="row"  >
                <  div class="col-4 ot-container"  >
                    <  div class="ot-container-wrapper"  >
                        <  center  >
                            <  div class="ot-image"  >
                                <  img src="" width="250px"  >
                            <  /div  > 
                        <  /center  >
                            <  div class="ot-name"  >ADAM KAY<  /div  > 
                            <  div class="ot-position"  >FINANCE<  /div  >
                    <  /div  >
                <  /div  >
                <  div class="col-4 ot-container"  >
                    <  div class="ot-container-wrapper"  >
                        <  center  >
                            <  div class="ot-image"  >
                                <  img src="" width="250px"  >
                            <  /div  >
                        <  /center  >
                        <  div class="ot-name"  >WENDY McDONALD<  /div  >
                        <  div class="ot-position"  >PROPERTY MANAGEMENT<  /div  >
                    <  /div  >
                <  /div  >
                <  div class="col-4 ot-container"  >
                    <  div class="ot-container-wrapper"  >
                        <  center  >
                            <  div class="ot-image"  >
                                <  img src="" width="250px"  >
                            <  /div  > 
                        <  /center  >
                        <  div class="ot-name"  >KAROLYN BROWN<  /div  > 
                        <  div class="ot-position"  >PROPERTY MANAGEMENT<  /div  >
                    <  /div  >
                <  /div  >
            <  /div  >
        <  /div  >
    <  /section  >
    <  style  >
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    .proposal-view-body .with-horizontal-line .header-group-inner:after {
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       background-color: #000;
       display: inline-block;
       height: 1px;
       position: absolute;
       width: 500%;
       top: 48%;

    .proposal-view-body .with-horizontal-line .header-group-inner:before {
       right: 100%;
       margin-right: 20px;

    .proposal-view-body .with-horizontal-line .header-group-inner:after {
       left: 100%;
       margin-left: 20px;

    /* our team section */
    .proposal-view-body .our-team,
    .proposal-view-body .our-team .header-group {
        margin-top: 0;
        padding-top: 0;

    .proposal-view-body .our-team .ot-container {
        padding: 5px;

    .proposal-view-body .our-team {
        margin-bottom: 0;
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    .proposal-view-body .our-team .row {
       display: -webkit-box;
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    .proposal-view-body .our-team .ot-image {
        width: 150px;
        height: 150px;
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        border-radius: 50%;
        border: none;
        outline: none;
        text-align: center;

    .proposal-view-body .our-team .ot-container { padding: 10px; }
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    .proposal-view-body .our-team .ot-name { font-size: 13px; font-weight: 700; text-align: center; color: #000000; }
    .proposal-view-body .our-team .ot-position { font-size: 12px; font-weight: 700; text-align: center; color: #64cafa; }
    <  /style  >
@if (! $pdfAction)
    <  !-- DIGITAL VERSION --  >

    <  section class="section"  >
        <  div class="header-group with-horizontal-line text-center"  >
            <  div class="header-group-inner animate"  >
                <  h3  >ABOUT US<  /h3  >
            <  /div  >
        <  /div  >
        <  div class="container"  >
            <  div class="row"  >
                <  div class="col text-center"  >
                    <  h5 class="animate"  >About Greater Metro Real Estate<  /h5  ><  br  >
                    <  p class="animate" data-editable="1"  ><  b  >At Greater Metro, We Work for You<  /b  ><  /p  >
                    <  p class="animate" data-editable="1"  >With a passion for helping people make better lives and 20 years in the Real Estate industry working for listed developers, national home builders and local real estate agencies, I saw the need to create a real estate agency that puts people at its heart.<  /p  >
                    <  p class="animate" data-editable="1"  >An agency that helps its customers make the right real estate choices.<  /p  >
                    <  p class="animate" data-editable="1"  >We pride ourselves on referrals at Greater Metro and gain satisfaction from our ability to understand and meet your needs. Guiding you through the sales process, we help find you the right property, and with access to an extensive network of developers and home builders across all areas of Melbourne, we do the hard work for you.<  /p  >
                    <  p class="animate" data-editable="1"  >Greater Metro Real Estate is a boutique agency offering end-to-end real estate services, assisting you to make the right choices so you can create a long-lasting legacy through real estate.<  /p  >
                <  /div  >
                <  /div  >
            <  /div  >
        <  /div  >
    <  /section  >
    <  !-- PDF VERSION --  >

    <  section class="section about-us new-page"  >
         <  div class="header-group with-horizontal-line text-center"  >
             <  div class="header-group-inner"  >
                 <  h3 style="white-space: nowrap; overflow: hidden;" class="mb-3"  >ABOUT US<  /h3  >
             <  /div  >
         <  /div  >
         <  div class="container"  >
             <  div class="row"  >
                 <  div class="col text-center"  >
                    <  h5 class="animate"  >About Greater Metro Real Estate<  /h5  ><  br  >
                    <  p data-editable="1"  ><  b  >At Greater Metro, We Work for You<  /b  ><  /p  >
                    <  p data-editable="1"  >With a passion for helping people make better lives and 20 years in the Real Estate industry working for listed developers, national home builders and local real estate agencies, I saw the need to create a real estate agency that puts people at its heart.<  /p  >
                    <  p data-editable="1"  >An agency that helps its customers make the right real estate choices.<  /p  >
                    <  p data-editable="1"  >We pride ourselves on referrals at Greater Metro and gain satisfaction from our ability to understand and meet your needs. Guiding you through the sales process, we help find you the right property, and with access to an extensive network of developers and home builders across all areas of Melbourne, we do the hard work for you.<  /p  >
                    <  p data-editable="1"  >Greater Metro Real Estate is a boutique agency offering end-to-end real estate services, assisting you to make the right choices so you can create a long-lasting legacy through real estate.<  /p  >
                <  /div  >
             <  /div  >
         <  /div  >
    <  /section  >
    <  style  >
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            display: inline-block;
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            width: 500%;
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            right: 100%;
            margin-right: 20px;

        .proposal-view-body .with-horizontal-line .header-group-inner:after {
            left: 100%;
            margin-left: 20px;

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        .proposal-view-body .about-us,
        .proposal-view-body .about-us .header-group {
            margin-top: 0;
            padding-top: 0;

        .proposal-view-body .circle-cta .inner {
            display: table-cell;
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            display: table-cell;
            vertical-align: middle;

        .proposal-view-body .about-us .circle-cta p {
            font-size: 14px;

        .proposal-view-body .about-us h5 {
            font-size: 1.1rem;

        .proposal-view-body .about-us .proposal-video {
            margin-left: auto;
            margin-right: auto;
    <  /style  >

Vendor Report

Within the @realty CRM, pulls information from property listings and agent profiles to create a downloadable PDF

<  p style="margin: 0;"  ><  img style="width: 100%; height: 430px; position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; object-fit: cover;" src="{!Property image}" /  ><  /p  >
<  h1 style="position: absolute; top: 352px; left: 30px; line-height: 52px; font-size: 52px; color: #fff; letter-spacing: -2px; font-weight: 600; font-family: Roboto,sans-serif;"  >VENDOR REPORT<  /h1  >
<  !-- MultipleAgent--  >
<  div style="position: absolute; width: 170px; height: 370px; top: 0; right: 20px; background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.7); padding: 20px 40px 40px 40px; color: #fff; text-align: center;"  >
<  p style="margin: 0;"  >{!Street number} {!Street name}<  /p  >
<  p style="font-weight: bold; margin: 0; margin-bottom: 10px;"  >{!Suburb}<  /p  >
<  img style="width: 75px; height: 75px; border-radius: 75px; object-fit: cover; margin-top: 5px; margin-bottom: 7px;" src="{!Agent image}" alt="" /  >
<  p style="margin: 0; font-size: 14px;"  >{!Agent full name}<  /p  >
<  p style="margin: 0; font-size: 14px;"  >{!Agent phone}<  /p  >
<  p style="margin: 0; font-size: 14px;"  >{!Agent email}<  /p  >
<  img style="width: 75px; height: 75px; border-radius: 75px; object-fit: cover; margin-top: 15px; margin-bottom: 7px;" src="{!Partner image}" alt="Agent Photo" /  >
<  p style="margin: 0; font-size: 14px;"  >{!Partner full name}<  /p  >
<  p style="margin: 0; font-size: 14px;"  >{!Partner phone}<  /p  >
<  p style="margin: 0; font-size: 14px; text-align: center;"  >{!Partner email}<  /p  >
<  img style="width: 140px; margin-top: 10px; position: absolute; bottom: 10px; left: 23%;" src="" /  ><  /div  >
<  !-- MultipleAgentEnd--  >
<  p  ><  /p  >
<  !-- SingleAgent--  >
<  div style="position: absolute; width: 170px; height: 370px; top: 0; right: 20px; background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.7); padding: 30px 40px; color: #fff; text-align: center;"  >
<  p style="margin: 0;"  >{!Street number} {!Street name}<  /p  >
<  p style="font-weight: bold; margin: 0; margin-bottom: 10px;"  >{!Suburb}<  /p  >
<  img style="width: 150px; height: 150px; border-radius: 75px; object-fit: cover; margin-top: 20px; margin-bottom: 15px;" src="{!Agent image}" alt="Agent Photo" /  >
<  p style="margin: 0; font-size: 14px;"  >{!Agent full name}<  /p  >
<  p style="margin: 0; font-size: 14px;"  >{!Agent phone}<  /p  >
<  p style="margin: 0; font-size: 14px;"  >{!Agent email}<  /p  >
<  a style="color: #00aeef; font-size: 14px;" href=""  ><  /a  > <  img style="width: 140px; margin-top: 20px;" src="" /  ><  /div  >
<  !-- SingleAgentEnd--  >
<  div style="color: #00aeef; position: absolute; width: 100%; top: 450px; padding: 0 30px; font-size: 22px; box-sizing: border-box;"  >
<  p style="margin: 0;"  ><  span style="width: 53%; display: inline-block; font-size: 20px;"  >DATE LISTED <  span style="font-weight: bold; font-size: 20px;"  >{!Date listed}<  /span  ><  /span  > <  span style="width: 46%; display: inline-block; color: #000; font-size: 20px;"  >PRICE DISPLAYED:<  span style="font-weight: bold; font-size: 20px;"  > {!Price displayed}<  /span  ><  /span  ><  /p  >
<  ul style="width: 50%; margin: 0; padding: 0; list-style: none; margin-top: 20px; float: left;"  >
<  li style="margin-bottom: 5px;"  >
<  div  >
<  div style="padding: 20px 20px; width: 240px; background-color: #00aeef; border-radius: 7px; color: #fff; display: inline-block; font-size: 20px; line-height: 20px;"  ><  span class="list-item-title"  >DAYS ON THE MARKET<  /span  ><  /div  >
<  div style="background-color: #eee; padding: 20px 5px; line-height: 20px; width: 60px; border-radius: 7px; color: #000; display: inline-block; text-align: center;"  >{!Days on the market}<  /div  >
<  /div  >
<  /li  >
<  li style="margin-bottom: 5px;"  >
<  div  >
<  div style="padding: 20px 20px; width: 240px; background-color: #00aeef; border-radius: 7px; color: #fff; display: inline-block; font-size: 20px; line-height: 20px;"  ><  span class="list-item-title"  >WEB ENQUIRIES<  /span  ><  /div  >
<  div style="background-color: #eee; padding: 20px 5px; line-height: 20px; width: 60px; border-radius: 7px; color: #000; display: inline-block; text-align: center;"  >{!Web enquiries}<  /div  >
<  /div  >
<  /li  >
<  li style="margin-bottom: 5px;"  >
<  div  >
<  div style="padding: 20px 20px; width: 240px; background-color: #00aeef; border-radius: 7px; color: #fff; display: inline-block; font-size: 20px; line-height: 20px;"  ><  span class="list-item-title"  >TOTAL WEB VIEWS<  /span  ><  /div  >
<  div style="background-color: #eee; padding: 20px 5px; line-height: 20px; width: 60px; border-radius: 7px; color: #000; display: inline-block; text-align: center;"  >{!Total web views}<  /div  >
<  /div  >
<  /li  >
<  li style="margin-bottom: 5px;"  >
<  div  >
<  div style="padding: 20px 20px; width: 240px; background-color: #00aeef; border-radius: 7px; color: #fff; display: inline-block; font-size: 20px; line-height: 20px;"  ><  span class="list-item-title"  >SOCIAL MEDIA CLICKS<  /span  ><  /div  >
<  div style="background-color: #eee; padding: 20px 5px; line-height: 20px; width: 60px; border-radius: 7px; color: #000; display: inline-block; text-align: center;"  >{!Social media clicks}<  /div  >
<  /div  >
<  /li  >
<  li style="margin-bottom: 5px;"  >
<  div  >
<  div style="padding: 20px 20px; width: 240px; background-color: #00aeef; border-radius: 7px; color: #fff; display: inline-block; font-size: 20px; line-height: 20px;"  ><  span class="list-item-title"  >SOCIAL MEDIA VIEWS<  /span  ><  /div  >
<  div style="background-color: #eee; padding: 20px 5px; line-height: 20px; width: 60px; border-radius: 7px; color: #000; display: inline-block; text-align: center;"  >{!Social media views}<  /div  >
<  /div  >
<  /li  >
<  li style="margin-bottom: 5px;"  >
<  div  >
<  div style="padding: 20px 20px; width: 240px; background-color: #00aeef; border-radius: 7px; color: #fff; display: inline-block; font-size: 20px; line-height: 20px;"  ><  span class="list-item-title"  >OTHER ENQUIRIES<  /span  ><  /div  >
<  div style="background-color: #eee; padding: 20px 5px; line-height: 20px; width: 60px; border-radius: 7px; color: #000; display: inline-block; text-align: center;"  >{!Other enquiries}<  /div  >
<  /div  >
<  /li  >
<  li style="margin-bottom: 5px;"  >
<  div  >
<  div style="padding: 20px 20px; width: 240px; background-color: #00aeef; border-radius: 7px; color: #fff; display: inline-block; font-size: 20px; line-height: 20px;"  ><  span class="list-item-title"  >TOTAL INSPECTIONS<  /span  ><  /div  >
<  div style="background-color: #eee; padding: 20px 5px; line-height: 20px; width: 60px; border-radius: 7px; color: #000; display: inline-block; text-align: center;"  >{!Inspections}<  /div  >
<  /div  >
<  /li  >
<  li style="margin-bottom: 5px;"  >
<  div  >
<  div style="padding: 20px 20px; width: 240px; background-color: #00aeef; border-radius: 7px; color: #fff; display: inline-block; font-size: 20px; line-height: 20px;"  ><  span class="list-item-title"  >TOTAL ENQUIRIES<  /span  ><  /div  >
<  div style="background-color: #eee; padding: 20px 5px; line-height: 20px; width: 60px; border-radius: 7px; color: #000; display: inline-block; text-align: center;"  >{!Total enquiries}<  /div  >
<  /div  >
<  /li  >
<  li style="margin-bottom: 5px;"  >
<  div  >
<  div style="padding: 20px 20px; width: 240px; background-color: #00aeef; border-radius: 7px; color: #fff; display: inline-block; font-size: 20px; line-height: 20px;"  ><  span class="list-item-title"  >OFFERS<  /span  ><  /div  >
<  div style="background-color: #eee; padding: 20px 5px; line-height: 20px; width: 60px; border-radius: 7px; color: #000; display: inline-block; text-align: center;"  >{!Offers}<  /div  >
<  /div  >
<  /li  >
<  /ul  >
<  div style="float: right; width: 47%; margin-top: 20px;"  >
<  h3 style="font-size: 20px; margin-bottom: 5px; margin: 0;"  >BUYERS FEEDBACK<  /h3  >
<  div style="height: 220px; color: #000; font-size: 14px; overflow: hidden;"  >{!Buyer feedback}<  /div  >
<  hr style="color: #00aeef; background-color: #00aeef; border: none; height: 1px;" /  >
<  h3 style="font-size: 20px; margin-bottom: 5px; margin: 0;"  >COMMENTS<  /h3  >
<  p style="color: #000; font-size: 14px; margin: 0;"  >{!Comments}<  /p  >
<  div style="position: absolute; bottom: 0;"  >
<  div style="width: 37%; color: #fff; background-color: #555; padding: 10px 20px; display: inline-block; font-size: 18px; border-radius: 7px;"  >
<  p style="text-align: center; margin: 0;"  ><  span style="font-size: 11pt;"  >MARKET PRICE GUIDE<  /span  ><  /p  >
<  p style="text-align: center; margin: 0; font-weight: bold;"  >{!Market price guide}<  /p  >
<  /div  >
<  div style="width: 37%; color: #fff; background-color: #555; padding: 10px 20px; display: inline-block; font-size: 18px; border-radius: 7px;"  >
<  p style="text-align: center; margin: 0; padding: 0px 10px;"  ><  span style="font-size: 11pt;"  >SUGGESTED PRICE<  /span  ><  /p  >
<  p style="text-align: center; margin: 0; font-weight: bold;"  >{!Agent rec. price}<  /p  >
<  /div  >
<  /div  >
<  /div  >
<  /div  >

Mass Email Blocks

Within the @realty CRM, pulls information from property listings for agents to send mass emails to clientele

@if($listing && $listing-  >property)
<  table style="width: 100%;"  >
   <  tbody  >
        <  tr  >
            <  td colspan="3"  >
                 @if(isset($listing-  >medias[0]))
                    <  img width="478" style="display: block; width: 100%; max-width: 100%;" src="{{ $listing-  >medias[0]-  >url }}" alt="" /  >
            <  /td  >
        <  /tr  >
        <  tr  >
            <  td colspan="3" style="padding: 10px; background: #00AEFF; color: white; font-size: 45px; font-weight: bold; text-align: center;"  >
                JUST LISTED
            <  /td  >
        <  /tr  >
    <  /tbody  >
<  /table  >
<  div style="text-align: center;"  >
    <  h3 style="font-size: 14px; color:#00aeef; margin-bottom:10px; text-transform: uppercase"  >{{ $listing-  >display_address == 'Yes' ? $listing-  >property-  >address : ''}} <  /h3  >
    @if(isset($listing-  >headline))
        <  h4 style="color: #333; font-size: 14px; margin-top:0; margin-bottom: 5px; text-transform: uppercase"  >{{ $listing-  >ad-  >headline }}<  /h4  >
    <  ul style="margin-top: 0px; font-size:14px; "  >
    @if(isset($listing-  >details))
        <  li style="display: inline-block; list-style: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: 700; margin: 5px;"  >{{ $listing-  >details-  >bedrooms }} BED<  /li  >
        <  li style="display: inline-block; list-style: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: 700; border-right: 2px solid #00aeef; border-left: 2px solid #00aeef;margin: 5px; padding-left: 8px; padding-right: 8px;"  >{{ $listing-  >details-  >bathrooms }} BATH<  /li  >
        <  li style="display: inline-block; list-style: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: 700;margin: 5px;"  >{{ $listing-  >details-  >garages }} CAR<  /li  >
    <  /ul  >
    @if(isset($listing-  >ad))
        <  div style="font-size: 14px; line-height: 25px; text-align: left; padding-left: 10px; padding-right: 10px;"  >{{ substr($listing-  >ad-  >description, 0, 200) }}...<  /div  >
    <  p style="color:#00aeef; font-size:14px; font-weight: 700; margin-top:10px;"  >PRICE: <  span style="color: #333; font-size:14px; "  >
        @if($listing-  >type === 'Lease')
            {{ $listing-  >rent_as_text ? $listing-  >rent_as_text : ($listing-  >rent_as_number != 0 ? nb_format($listing-  >rent_as_number) . ' per week' : nb_format($listing-  >current_rent) . ($listing-  >current_rent != 0 ? ' per annum' : '')) }}
            {{ $listing-  >price_as_text ? $listing-  >price_as_text : nb_format($listing-  >price_as_number) }}
    <  /span  ><  /p  >

    @if(count($listing-  >inspections)   > 0)
        <  div style="font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 16px; line-height: 25px;"  >
            <  strong style="color: #00AEFF; font-size:14px; "  >OPEN:<  /strong  > 
            @foreach($listing-  >inspections as $inspection)
                {{ date('F d', strtotime($inspection-  >date)) }} {{ date('g:i a', strtotime($inspection-  >date . ' ' . $inspection-  >start_time)) }} to {{ date('g:i a', strtotime($inspection-  >date . ' ' . $inspection-  >end_time)) }} <  br/  >
            <  br/  >
        <  /div  >
    <  div style="text-align: center; padding: 20px;"  >
       <  ?php 
            $url = url()-  >route('', ['$campaign_id', $listing-  >property-  >id]);
        ?  >
         @if($listing-  >agent-  >user_export_settings["agentwebsite"]["url"])
              <  ?php
                $url = $listing-  >agent-  >user_export_settings['agentwebsite']["url"];
                $address = str_replace(" ","-", $listing-  >property-  >address);
                $address = str_replace("/","-", $address);
                $address = str_replace(",","-", $address);
                $address = str_replace("--","-", $address);
                $url =  $url ."properties/". $address."-".$listing-  >id;
               ?  >
        <  a href="{{ $url }}" style="background: #ffffff; font-size:14px; color: #00aeef; border-radius: 5px; border: 1px solid #00AEFF; font-weight: bold; padding: 10px 15px; text-decoration: none;" target="_blank"  >View Listing<  /a  >
    <  /div  >
        <  br/  >
    <  hr style="border: none; border-top: 1px solid #00AEFF;" /  >
<  /div  >
@if(isset($listings) && count($listings)   > 0)
     @foreach($listings as $listing)
     <  div style="padding: 5px; font-size: 14px; text-align: left;"  >
           <  table style="width: 100%"  >
              <  tbody  >
                  <  tr  >
                         <  td style="width: 50%; vertical-align: top; line-height:25%"  >
                             @if(isset($listing-  >medias[0]))
                                 <  img src="{{ $listing-  >medias[0]-  >url }}" width="156" style="width: 100%;" /  >
                         <  /td  >
                         <  td style="width: 50%; padding:10px;"  >
                              <  span style="text-align: left;"  >
                                <  h3 style="font-size: 14px; text-align: left; color:#00aeef; margin-top:0;margin-bottom:10px; text-transform: uppercase"  >{{ $listing-  >display_address == 'Yes' ? $listing-  >property-  >address : ''}} <  /h3  >
                                 @if(isset($listing-  >details))
                                     <  b style="font-size: 14px; text-align: left;"  >
                                         {{ $listing-  >details-  >bedrooms }} BED <  span style="color: #00AEEF; font-size: 14px;"  >|<  /span  >
                                         {{ $listing-  >details-  >bathrooms }} BATH <  span style="color: #00AEEF; font-size: 14px;"  >|<  /span  >
                                         {{ $listing-  >details-  >garages }} CAR
                                     <  /b  >
                              <  /span  ><  br  >
                                 <  strong style="color: #00AEEF; font-size: 14px; text-align: left;"  >PRICE:<  /strong  >
                                 @if($listing-  >type === 'Lease')
                                     {{ $listing-  >rent_as_text ? $listing-  >rent_as_text : ($listing-  >rent_as_number != 0 ? nb_format($listing-  >rent_as_number) . ' per week' : nb_format($listing-  >current_rent) . ($listing-  >current_rent != 0 ? ' per annum' : '')) }}
                                     {{ $listing-  >price_as_text ? $listing-  >price_as_text : nb_format($listing-  >price_as_number) }}
                                 <  br/  ><  br/  >
                                <  ?php 
                                    $url = url()-  >route('', ['$campaign_id', $listing-  >property-  >id]);
                                ?  >
                                 @if($listing-  >agent-  >user_export_settings["agentwebsite"]["url"])
                                      <  ?php
                                        $url = $listing-  >agent-  >user_export_settings['agentwebsite']["url"];
                                        $address = str_replace(" ","-", $listing-  >property-  >address);
                                        $address = str_replace("/","-", $address);
                                        $address = str_replace(",","-", $address);
                                        $address = str_replace("--","-", $address);
                                        $url =  $url ."properties/". $address."-".$listing-  >id;
                                       ?  >
                                 <  a href="{{ $url }}" style="color:#00AEEF; padding: 5px 10px; font-size: 14px; border-radius: 5px; text-decoration: none; font-weight: bold; border: 1px solid #00AEEF; text-align: left;" target="_blank"  >View Property<  /a  >
                                 <  br/  >
                             <  /div  >
                         <  /td  >
                     <  /tr  >
                <  /tbody  >
             <  /table  >
         <  /div  >